

We provide three reports for each student in the course of a year, one report per term. These reports will give you an update on your child’s attendance, attainment, progress, strengths and Next steps. We expect all parents to read these important documents and use them as a stimulus for discussion with their children. If you would like to see a specific member of staff following a report then you may contact the school to arrange an appointment. School Leavers are provided with a Record of Achievement which will include GCSE and other examination certificates as well as recording a wide range of achievements and activities.

  Year7 Year8 Year9 Year10 Year11 
Autumn Term Autumn Report Autumn Report Autumn Report Autumn Report Autumn Report
Spring Term Spring Report Spring Report Spring Report Spring Report Spring Report
Summer Term Summer Report, form tutor and key worker review Summer Report, form tutor and key worker review Summer Report, form tutor and key worker review Summer Report, form tutor and key worker review No report


Parents' events

If you wish to discuss your child’s progress at any time then your first contact point should be their form tutor.

You will be invited to a Parents' Evening during the course of the year where you will have the opportunity for individual consultations with specific teachers. In addition, you will also be contacted by your child’s form tutor during the course of the year for an academic mentoring review to review their progress and to set targets for improvement. There will be a range of Parent Forum, PTA and other events during the course of the year which we would urge you to attend.