Our Staff

Teaching staff 2023/24

Senior Leadership Team

Mr. M. Ramsay  Head of School
Ms. T. Garn Deputy Head of School
Mrs. C. Fallaize Associate Assistant Head Teacher 

Mrs. W. Shapcott

Associate Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs. J. Liddle School Administrator


Heads of Year

Year 9:  Mr. J. Breedt Click to Email
Year 10:  Mrs.E. Meijer Click to Email
Year 11:  Mr D. Moss Click to Email

Teaching Staff

Staff Name Role
Miss. E. Ascott 2nd in English
Mr. J. Breedt HoY (year 9), Mathematics
Mr. J. Cleal HoD IT
Mrs.J. O'Connell ALNCo
Mr. M. Harlech-Jones  Geography
Mrs. C. Fallaize Associate Assistant Head Teacher, Mathematics
Miss. L. Ferreira  Art & Photography
Mr. C. Goddard History
Mrs. S. Hewitt HoD Mathematics
Mr. L. Huitson HoD MFL French
Mr. L. Cole Design & Technology
Mr. S. Lee HoD P.E., Games
Mr. G. Lowther HoD Food Technology
Mrs. E. Meijer HOY (year 10)P.E., Games
Mr. D. Moss HOY (year 11)Science, PSHE, RE
Miss. L. O’Regan  P.E., Games, PSHE
Ms. S. Pogson HoD Performing Arts
Mr. M. Ramsay Head of School
Ms. V. Ritchie Science, PSHE
Mrs. W. Shapcott    Associate Assistant Head Teacher, HoD Art & Design & Technology
Mrs.N. Tardivel Inclusion Champion
Mr. M. Keogh Religious Studies
Ms. S. Sullivan HoD English
Mr. C. Taylor HoD Science
Mrs. K. Vaudin Careers, P.E, food, English
Mr. Harry Barrett-Giles.[ITT] P.E. Science

Learning Support
Support Staff from CIAS
Support Staff from SEBD
Support Staff