Students in these Year groups receive 1 lesson per week with there being a key focus for each Year group. The Department is supported by the Guernsey Careers Service and we have a Careers Adviser assigned help support students, staff and parents/carers.
In Year 9 the focus is on preparation for selecting Option subjects for study at Key Stage 4. Students are encouraged and guided to access information from the Guernsey Careers web – site (www. Careers .gg) and have the opportunity for a 1:1 Careers Guidance meeting with the Career adviser at any point during this process. The Head of Department conducts ‘drop-in’ sessions every break- time when students can just have a casual conversation at any time to seek information.
During Year 10 the focus is securing a Work Experience placement within a career area each student is interested in. This is a valuable chance to gain an understanding of the world of work and career opportunities in that sector. The Work Experience Manager works closely with Year 10 students and the Head of Department is available each break break time for support.
During Year 11 each student will have the opportunity to meet with the Careers Adviser for at least one 30 minute careers meeting where advice and guidance is given to help the student decide their Post 16 pathway. Students receive information about the Guernsey Apprenticeship Scheme, Local Labour Market Information and are able to opt for a formal visit to both the College of Further Education and the Sixth Form Centre. Students complete their Curriculum Vitae’s, Personal Statements and engage in a unit of work giving them information and guidance regarding interview preparation.
Parents/Carers and students should follow this link for information about options after Year 11