Supporting and encouraging lifelong literacy through engaging; enthusing and inspiring teaching- enabling students to use these skills across the whole school curriculum.
The subject provides many opportunities to explore a wide variety of language and literature; challenging students to create their own unique picture of the world through their own eyes and the eyes of others.
At KS3 we offer a wide range of fiction and non fiction texts for study; alongside poetry and media texts. The aims of the KS3 curriculum are to provide a strong foundation in skills and knowledge to ensure a smooth and successful transition into KS4 and beyond.
KS4 offers a full and rich syllabus of Language and Literature; with novels, plays, non fiction texts and poetry studied from around the world. Skills and Knowledge are taught together to ensure the best possible outcomes in examinations and to allow every student to progress to the next level in their academic or vocational pathway.
In the run up to exams; the English dept runs revision sessions and parent workshops to keep parents and students informed and up to date with requirements for assessments.